Saturday, May 15, 2010
My daughters choice give-away
I went shopping with my two teenage daughters in Ghent some weeks ago, and I gave them the task to search a cute thingy to use for a give-away on my blog.
So here is the choice of my daughters: a whimsical key or mobile chain.
Mention this give away on your blog to enter this give away and leave a comment here!
A tweet is a second entry!
Good luck!
A pie a week: Blue cheese and tomatoes
I admit, one of my new years resolutions was to bake a vegetable pie every week.
I used to make lots of pies years ago, but getting kids also changed my cooking!
I was determined to serve them once a week a pie with vegetables, (sometimes also meat or fish added) and that they learn to like the pies!
Well, this has been really a huge succes, so far !, but I did not always take pictures!
I'll try to pick up the thread of my 'pie a week' with this one.
Find the first one here.
4 big tomatoes sliced)
200 gr blue cheese
1 egg
50 ml crème fraîche
salt & pepper
dragon, Estragon (fresh or dried)
premade dough
prebake the dough in an oven of 200°c for 5 minutes
put the sliced tomatoes on the prebaked dough,
pour a mixture of the egg, creme fraiche, salt, pepper and dragon over the tomatoes
and divide the blue cheese over the tomatoes.
put in the oven (180°) for about 20 minutes!