Friday, December 19, 2008

Ik maakte nog enkele nieuwe creaties speciaal voor de Kersthappening in Destelbergen:

Vrijdag 19 dec, van 18 uur tot 21 uur
Zaterdag 20 dec en Zondag 21 dec, van 14 uur tot 18 uur
Burgemeester Meirsonstraat 11, 9070 Destelbergen


I made some new designs for the fair I am attending this weekend.
I will list them in my shop next monday!
And after the Christmas rush I hope I have finally time to :

- make a new shop banner
- get rid of the many ideas in my head and start creating new thngs!
- re-organising my workroom
- go for supplies!

but also:
- going to the movies with my two oldest girls
- painting with the two youngest (as this is what they like the most, besides baking cookies!)
- visiting some exhibitions that are on my list for long
- having a hair cut!!!
- going on a weekend trip with my partner
- enjoy goin to the Sauna!
- clean up the garden...

but first take a long long nap....


  1. 'k Zal straks eens komen kijken naar je nieuwe juwelen!
    En veel succes bij het uitvoeren van je lijstjes!

  2. ok, Veerle, k'zal een wijntje warm houden voor jou en ik breng ook een lekkere verassing mee :-)

  3. naps! gotta make those no. 1 on the list always! :)

  4. Good luck with the fair!! Beautiful pieces, fleure!


  5. Maybe I should make a to do list too but I'm afraid it will be too long...

  6. Ohh, and good luck with the fair! Your designs and pictures look great! :)

  7. Pretty new necklaces! Overall I love the way to mix and match colors and materials, very lovely!

    Good luck with Christmas Market and you new year's list:)

    Merry Christmas!


  8. I like the turqouies and copper one.

    good luck at the fair!!

  9. Good luck with finishing off the list! Beautiful new creations!

  10. Me gusta mucho tu blog
    I like your blog,
    muxus y biquiños

  11. Καλα Χριστουγεννα!
    Με υγεια,αγαπη και ειρήνη!
