Sunday, January 25, 2009

Donuts and the country of the cowboys

Papa vertrok deze morgen vroeg naar Washington,
nog even zijn tekentalent bovengehaald voor hij vertrok :-)
de thuisblijvers doen zich dan maar tegoed aan donuts :-)
Daddy left this morning to Washington, he draw a quick sketch before he left :-))
The ones who stay home try to feel a bit in America too: yummie donuts!


  1. He is a good artist. Love the cowboy. You have beautiful kids, Greet. :)Donuts are yummy, my favourite snack.

  2. cool picture! your hubby is talented!! hope he has a great trip ... your kids are soooo adorable :D

  3. Mmmmm... donuts. I've never seen a real *American* donut in Norway. It's been such a long time since I've had one....

    Sooo.... envious.....

  4. ohh, how sweet of daddy!!! Yummie donuts! have a beautiful, lazy sunday!!

  5. So sweet of your hubby, that he think of the kids!
    Yummmm!!! I want donuts too!

  6. Everybody loves donuts:-) Nice drawing!

  7. Oh, I wish someone served me some donuts for breakfast:)

    Nice drawing! Let's see what he brings to you from Washington:)


  8. Njammm! Doughnuts!! *drools*
    I always love to see and ready about you and your family. Lot's of love and care in there, I like that :)

  9. Wonderful art by your little one! And aren't donuts delicious!? Every one of your beautiful children seems to be enjoying them immensly.

  10. Looks so yummy, must be hard to see him go so often!

  11. When is you hubby going to open his Etsy shop? Those would make great ACEO's! :)
