Saturday, April 4, 2009

A blooming colorpalette

Today it's my etsyversary!!
It's one year now since I opened my shop ,
I am preparing a give-away that I will post tommorrow on my blog, So keep in touch!

In the meantime I show you some new creations : the weather has been so beautiful lately, here in Belgium, and this reflects in the colorpalette of my creations. Fresh , happy and blooming colors: perfect accessories for spring and summer!

I have quite some magazines (about interior design and Fashion) that I just can't throw away when I have read them. There is sometimes amazingly beautiful photography, and I keep being inspired by it.
Now I found a great way to expand my own colorpalette: I let me inspire by some ads or pictures from magazines. I am very proud of the designs that turned out of it. I am sure I will never ever again throw away my magazines. This is a great way of reusing them!
You can find these new necklaces in my shop.
Or see more pictures in my Flickr Photostream.


  1. Wow, very springy and lovely new creations, Greet! I will be in the loop for your give-away. :)

  2. Wow, amazingly beautiful! It is a rose bush for me...are you giving away these? :-)

  3. wow, beautiful they are really inspiring.

  4. These are gorgeous! I usually keep the interesting parts of the magazines, which are inspring or simply beautiful. But I should organize these scraps because the mess of them won't help me at all :) Happy etsyversary!

  5. Happy Etsy-versary!!
    Great way to be inspired by magazines colorpalettes!

  6. Greet happy etsy-versary.
    You did a great job all this time!
    I like your new style necklaces!

  7. beautiful ! It shouts "SPRING" !!

  8. Very beautiful new creations, love this colorpalette! Happy etsy-versary!

  9. wow, what gorgeous colors to work with!! they are so very pretty indeed :D Can't wait to see the creations that come from this.

  10. gorgeous - i always love to see (read) how you get inspired!!!
