Friday, May 15, 2009

Recycling on Mother's Day

On mother's Day we went to the school of the kids, where they all gave a little performance, the theme was recycling, exactly what mummy is into lately ;-)))
My two little ones gave a performance on the catwalk with clothes they made (with the help of the teachter) from recycled stuff. (They are in the same class, but Mies is a year older then Briek) (notice the scarves on my son's face, he fell with his bike a few days before...)
Maia, the eldest, danced on a song played on big trash boxes. Meron did a performance about planting potatoes. In the end all the mummys got a glass of Cava for their mother's Day :-)

It's me peeping, right in the middle with the black sunglasses on :-)

And do you remember the Bouquet of flowers I got from Veerle for the Open House? you can see it on the first pic. here.
It nearly passed away, but I could make some great pictures with the flowers that left,
mmm, maybe that's kind of re-using too :-)
I'll make postcards out of it, which I usually send as a freebee with my sold jewelry.


  1. How sweet! Your children are so cute Fleur!

    I also love the photos you took from the flowers, I wish I was that talented when it comes to photography, ehehe.


  2. Beautiful kiddies & flowers, Greet!
    Can you let me know where you print your cards and in what quantity please?

  3. Looks like a fun day for the kids and the mums :)

  4. what a fun way to spend mothers day! And beautiful pics of the flowers :)

  5. looks like the kids had a whole heap of fun! Very sweet children you have Fleur :-)

    The photo of the flowers is marvelous .. they still look great .. very arty!!

  6. Sweet children and they are creative like their mother). Beautiful picture of flowers!
