Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Busy bee

Sorry, I neglected my blog lately, being busy with all kinds of stuff.

- hubby and I spend a whole afternoon on plannings for things that have to be done:
several check ups and appointments with doctors, summershoe-shopping for the kids, 'end of the year' meetings with teachers of the kids, buying a new (special)bike for Mies, filling in the taxes form, ...
busy times, these days, .....

- I was also busy rereading and rewriting an interview by Vadjutka for a feature on the Est Blog, I rewrite several times and now I have the feeling I wrote too much!! :-) and I blush when I read all the sweet comments my team members gave! :-)

- But I did manage to find time to grab a treasury and it made frontpage!!!

- And I made some new creations lately , seems I am in a purple red mood these days.....
but turquoise is never far away!
The purple linen ring was already is an older creations (well old, A few weeks I think), but I had the feeling it fitted very well in this mosaic!
All these creations available in my shop.


  1. i love your summer neckales :) a beautiful piece too also loved yuur shirt:)

  2. Erggh ...taxes....and still having a house in NL and one here plus moving country...even bigger eerrrggghhhh taxes!

    Luckily there are your beautiful creations to cheer us up!

  3. Bweurk! Taxes, don't remind me! :)
    *off to read your interview on the Handmade Europe* :)

  4. Beautiful new creations! And I liked your shirt too:) It always big problem for me to find right cloth for making pictures of necklace)

  5. I don't think you are ever not busy :)

  6. I loved this interview...actually I think it is one of the best ones :-)

  7. I've been wondering how you manage to make all your beautiful creations with a busy family life?! But I did read your feature on EST blog and now I know better how:)


  8. Beautiful creations, again! I just love the style of your photos too.

  9. very nice to know a little more about you with this interview. I like the sentence : "I am a very chaotic person: I am busy with several projects and often start working on something new when I have not finished the previous."
    because I could write just the same about me !!

  10. Gorgeous necklace and earrings, and your photos are stunning! Very atmospheric!

  11. :) You busy bee! But the summer necklaces are so delicious....

  12. gorgeous pieces, as always! I know, i always think, now i will be less busy and than i'm even more busy *lol*

  13. Gorgeous necklaces!

    Couldn't resist passing this on to you:

