Friday, June 19, 2009

EST Challenge - weekend deals in my shop

Only this weekend I give 15 % off all my textile jewelry in my shop.
Enter 'summer jewelry' when you purchase and I'll refund you the discount.
You imy textile jewelry here.

I managed this week to participate with the Challenge hosted by Amadayu. The theme was 'pastel'. hm, not really my piece of cake, but therefor it's a challenge ;-)

I made a pair of earrings and a ring, maybe a necklace will follow...

I had these beautiful rose wooden beads for a while, I am glad they fit perfect with the pale pink sakura glass flowers.
The ring is made of a vintage button (I found a a flea market in Ghent) with a little Japanses lily cabochon on top of it.
These pastel creations are already in my shop.
You can find the entries of my European EST friends on Amada's blog.


  1. oh Fleur.... really pretty jewelry...
    i love this paper too....
    happy sales


  2. Your creations conjure up serenity. The colors are pretty and soft...I really like your work!
