Thursday, July 2, 2009

creative workspace and a little help from my friend....

Gorgeous weather these days, hot days and cool nights,.... I hope it lasts....
What else to do then work outside with Merino wool, water, soap, and cool linen.

After the (belated) birthday party (of Mies) yesterday, I needed a little break and drove to a shop where I had my eye on some gorgeous linen, I bought it with 50% off, long live the sales!!!
can't wait to make flowers of them, to make perfect summer accessories!
you can find my linen flower (and silk) creations here.
Hop over to Kotoyoo's blog to find more creative spaces!


  1. beautiful colors!
    And Mies is very you train her as an assistant? :-)

  2. Your linen flowers are stunning! I love them :)

  3. Ooohhh, lovely necklace fleur!!


  4. Your helper is super! I'm sure she enjoys felting with you too!
    Love the linen - great bargain too!
