Saturday, August 22, 2009

Cool Cats and a super Goody Bag

It has been a busy week, a week full of kids, who came to play with mine, sometimes I had the feeling my home was a playground!

But I managed to keep up with my Etsy shop: I made lots of pictures of new designs and of the cat brooches I made during my holiday! I love love love making them! Not one is alike as I form them by hand and wetfelting, it's a time consuming work, but I am so happy with the results afterwards!
Here you find the brooches in my shop, some of them al already underway to a new home in Finland, Japan and Switserland, yay!

And I am proud to announce that I was the first one to receive a goody bag at the booth of Artmind on the craftparking fair in Maastricht, of course I am an addicted follower of her blog, I wish I had the time to do all the tutorials she posts!

Look what cool goodies were inside the bag!


  1. Ahhh! This cats are adorable!! And I was so lucky to also get one of Mistys goodie bags - yeah! :)

  2. I love your cat brooches and I was so sad when I lost mine! :(
    But, when I opened your goody bag I suddenly smiled big time!
    Thank you, Greet, you're supersweet! :)

  3. The one on the chair is my favourite ! I got also a lovely goody bag from Mitsy, and Peggy too ! And then all these buttons in your goody bag Greet ! I must take pics from it too, but my camera just died this morning. Pieter will have a look if he can make it, otherwise I need a new one.

  4. Super cool new cats! And a lovely surprise from Mitsy:)

  5. I love your very cute cat brooches! And I love the way you photographed the one on the tiny chair :)

  6. you know how I love your cats....sending kisses to them!

    and you got a really cute goody bag :-)

  7. Those cat brooches are very cute! Nice blog by the way!
