Saturday, September 19, 2009

Inspired by a custom order....

A few weeks ago a sweet lady asked me to make a necklace to go with her beautiful lavender-lilac shirt.
She had a crush for my stone necklaces with the copper rings. And it had to include some purple.

I mostly make rather short necklaces in that style, but on this shirt it was obvious that a longer one would be better.
I am very happy with the result: an assymetric necklace with coral stones, I big purple crazy lace agate stone and the very warm and beautiful Bayong wood.

It's true that a custom order inspires you to do things you otherwise shouldn't, in this case making this longer lenght.
They really have something special and chic being so long, so I was inspired to make some more for my Etsy Shop (click on the pictures to go to the shop).

(in the shop now)

Violets in the Wood

(int he shop now)

Roxanne Necklace
(Soon in my shop)


  1. I find it too that custom work really inspires you to do things a different way! I love long necklaces!

  2. Oooh, I should make long necklaces too...And yours are all so pretty!

  3. Short or long, they are so beautiful! I love your use of colors!

  4. Greet,
    I'm glad that I inspired You to make long necklaces. I already had positive reactions on my beautiful necklace, also the package was very nice. I just feld like a little girl who got a present from Santa !

  5. Roeland aid has to be "Sybille" said. As you can see I'm not used to leave comments!

  6. they are very beautiful! That´s one of my fav colors!
