Friday, November 13, 2009

My Friday Night Outfit

A little bit Bohemian today?
I guess it's allowed, especially on Friday the 13th.
In this outfit I'll take my bike and head off to the city, thrifting some cool clothes, old buttons, and vintage Tiny books.
Having a warm 'Gauffre Liegeoise' on the street and a yummie 'Latte macchiato' in a cool coffeebar.
Oh and on this Friday the 13th a cool creepy song in my ears on my way home :-)):
Anyone likes to join me?

Inspired by Frida Kahlo Necklace by Fleurfatale
granny tote in Jpanese SHiboro by Emishimosato
80s red riding boots by Boomboxblitz
70s Vintage Emerald Body Suit by Dalenavintage


  1. I think I'll wear this one too!
    Hopefully we aren't at the same party... ;)
    I love your work and blog.

  2. Beautiful.....lets go out this evening!

  3. Frida ... Hmmm... Onlangs de film nog eens herbeken en soundtrack herbeluisterd... Mooi Hé!
    Welja, ik laat me ook verleiden... leuke outfit!

  4. I LOVE your outfit--bohemian is my thing...

  5. I always look forward to your Friday night outfits. This is one of my favorites!
