Wednesday, March 17, 2010

shop update

Hello everyone,
busy days!
I am looking forward to a long weekend in Amsterdam (with mister hubby, no kids)
the weather forecast is promising!
But first finish lots of things and send off lots of packages! (not to speak about lots of random house hold and family things that pop up)...
and listing new things in my shop! Find the tecxtile necklaces above here in my shop.


  1. Beautiful color mix!
    Enjoy your long weekend trip in Amsterdam!

  2. busy days for me, too!!

    but wonderful necklaces, i adore your style!!

  3. Beste,

    Probeer u te bereiken in verband met een workshop. Heeft u mijn mail ontvangen?

  4. Gorgeous textile necklaces!

    Have a great looooooooong week-end!
