Friday, September 24, 2010

Be my Button - thrifted treasures

what I found
this morning
on the flea market at Sint Jacobs
in Gent
a floral cookie box:
I fell in love right away
with the picture of
the daisy-rose bouquet in a clod of straw, with a skyblue clouded background lol;-),
so very very old fashioned, I love it!

But look
what was inside:

Vintage buttons!!
in beautiful designs and colors tones of blue, cobalt, moss, teal, olive, mustard...
me l!kes!

off to create with them!


  1. ooh my, a treasure box!!
    yummie, yummie!

  2. laat je maar volledig gaan met zo'n voorraad !

  3. Leuk! Ik ben ook fan van die dozen, al vond ik er nog geen inhoud bij...

    Ik heb de mijne meteen geblogd, want ik ben er zo content mee!

  4. OOOoooooh!! Prachtige knopen!!!! En de doos is natuurlijk ook mooi, zo'n hebbeding hé!!!

    Saskia :)

  5. heerlijk, een echte schat gevonden!

  6. Ohhh I'd love soooo much to go to that flea market. your finds there are amazing.
    here in Portugal, there is a flea market near where I live, but it's very small and doesn't have so many delightfull finds.
