Friday, March 26, 2010

My collection

I guess some of you already knew about my collection of Chinese tiger shoes.
(they are my inspiration for my cat brooches)
Sweet Rikrak has a cool article on Etsy's blog, about artists and what they collect!
I was so honoured when she asked me to tell bit more about my collection.
You can find all about it here

Thanks a lot Kristal, I loved doing this!!!
Rikrak has also an Etsy shop with beautiful limited edition patchwork accessories made out of vintage fabrics!


  1. *LOL* Ahat an unusual thing to collect! But they look so "happy" - if one can say it about the shoes...

  2. I love your collection - in fact I love ethnic accesories as a whole :-)

    Thanks for this great articel!

  3. I read the interview.
    What a lovely collectionççç
    AND: I think I have something for you!!!!!!!!!

  4. Great to hear more from LaPomme! Fellow french artists unite:)

    Alex (
