Free as a bird: brooch by happyment
needlefelted peach spring cloud with hummingbird by Atelierpompadour
Cloud bib necklace by loveanddream
Cloud cards by Mamutopia
What did you think,
my moodboard is all about clouds!
I am so hoping that Europe's sky can my opened soon
as lots of parcels lay waiting to be shipped to my Europe and USA customers.....
If you want to create a moodboard of your favorite European Street Team Designs, make your mosaic and add a link to your blogpost (NOT your blog please) or Flickr in Mister Linky (click on the button below and fill in your name with the link to your blogpost or Flickr picture).
It's so lovely and sweet! Made me smile :)
Very lovely clouds! I love your board!
The air traffic situation isn't sweet, but your moodboard definitely is! Love your picks!! :)
Beautiful! Fun you selected the same brooch as i! Love, and thanks for hosting!!//Eva
these are lovely finds, hope the cloud goes soon!
Yr sky might look slightly overcast and rainy but I can´t see any ashes. Planes can take off.
Lovely clouds!:)
gorgeous moodboard...
Let's be optimistic! Thank you for picking my little cloud :)
Your clouds are lovely!
Clouds are *usually* my favourite things to gaze during a slow summerday... so I adore the clouds. Wishing the European Sky would clear out soon tough....
I'm simply in love with atelierpompadour's little mobile clouds!
It's so sweet and lovely!! Very good
Always love this theme!!
Beautiful Moodboard:) Oh I'm hoping this clouds stay away from Europe too fleur, but from this morning news apparently they approaching Canada now, whoa!!!
These are clouds that I really like ;)
ohhh!! my little clous among great friends!! thank you very much!!
Lovely Moodboard...
wishing a nice week!
Soft and sweet! Hoping the ash cloud would soon fade away...
Have a great week!
Absolutely Beautiful,
love your clouds!!!
Great idea! :) No MM on my blog today, but you can win my earrings in a giveaway: http://rosemarysmanufacture.blogspot.com/2010/04/win-my-earrings-in-poletsy-giveaway.html
These clouds are so lovely!!
Well, even if not for the happiest reasons, this is a great theme... So many unexpected lovely creations!
Lovely!! :)
lovely cloud finds, so cute. I am hoping the ash cloud clears soon too.
Beautiful, dreamy moodboard!
I love rain and clouds ;-)
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