Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Beautiful, Beautiful secret bunny!

YYesterday I got a lovely package in my postbox, all the way from Stockholm, Sweden!
What a surprise: it was a gift of one of my favorite arists on Etsy, Britta from the shop Birribe.
Birribe has a degree in art and crafts and works with textile materials. She designs textileprints for institutions and privat homes. She is inspired by nature and has her very own colorpallette (which I like a lot!) You can see and feel her passion for colors and nature in all of her creations! (even in the packaging!) Do take a look at her website and discover the beautiful paintings she designs...

Thanks a lot Britta, as you see, a while ago I made a felted brooch that fits perfect with the shawl! And as a cherry on the pie (as we say in Belgium) you present came a day after my birthday!

Monday, March 30, 2009

le vent nous portera - Noir Désir

Etsy is down for the moment, finally time to make a new playlist.
And as it was my birtday yesterday, here are the beautiful lyrics of one of my all time favs!
(I am still looking for a translation in English)
Dutch translation here.

'le vent nous portera' by 'Noir Désir'

Je n'ai pas peur de la route
Faudrait voir,
faut qu'on y goûte
Des méandres au creux des reins

Et tout ira bien là
Le vent nous portera

Ton message à la Grande Ourse
Et la trajectoire de la course
Un instantané de velours
Même s'il ne sert à rien va
Le vent l'emportera

Tout disparaîtra mais
Le vent nous portera

La caresse et la mitraille
Et cette plaie qui nous tiraille
Le palais des autres jours
D'hier et demain
Le vent les portera

Génetique en bandouillère
Des chromosomes dans l'atmosphère
Des taxis pour les galaxies
Et mon tapis volant dis ?
Le vent l'emportera
Tout disparaîtra mais
Le vent nous portera

Ce parfum de nos années mortes
Ce qui peut frapper à ta porte
Infinité de destins
On en pose un et qu'est-ce qu'on en retient?
Le vent l'emportera

Pendant que la marée monte
Et que chacun refait ses comptes

J'emmène au creux de mon ombre
Des poussières de toi
Le vent les portera
Tout disparaîtra mais
Le vent nous portera
lyrics: Bertrant Cantat
Manu Chao on guitar...

Frontpage on my birthday!

Etsy admingave me a nice Birtday present yesterday: a Treasury FrontPage!! Congrats to all artists included! Isn' t there a better way to celebrate being 41!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Saturday shopping list

I am back with the saturday shopping list, mmmm, grey and red, a great colorcombo!
- UPCYCLED Red VINTAGE Train Case with Hand Drawn Black Floral Plant super mario brothers nintendo style by SAMSONITE
check out Racels blog too: getreadysetgoluggage.blogspot.com
-Large Notebook in Light Gray-Blue with Silver Leaves made by Fieldandsea
A pretty shop where you will find all sorts of paper goods, art, jewelry, and miscellaneous beautiful things.
-vintage doily needlebook handmade by a sweet European friend Ravenhill
check out Emilies inspiring blog too: http://ravenhill.typepad.com/weblog/
find some other great Shopping lists on the bloglist of fancypicnic.

Friday, March 27, 2009

My creative workspace

Lots of projects today.
Still have a sick little kid at home, but I finally could get a babysit to take care of her,
now there is some time to finish the piles work of the last few days.
(Ah well, laundry and cleaning is for the weekend,...)
first the creative part!
my new cards arrived, doesn't they look wonderfull....

arranged the new embellishments for my packagings ... and stamped cards...

Need to make new necklaces out of these sorted beads...

For a project in September I decided to let me inspire by fairy tales,
I started a little 'alice inWonderland' collection, and enjoed coloring the cabochons with shades of verdigris, olive and turquoise....

OMG!! where to begin????
(want to see more creative spaces of others artists have a peep at kootoyoos blog)

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Collection Cabinet

necklace 'jolie Fleur' click on the picture to go to my shop

A while ago I went to an outlet sale of vintage findings..... everything was so tempting... I know, I spend too much money on these beautiful treasures I took home with me, not knowing what to do with it yet, but I am sure to use in my future creations. (I used the velvet flower in the necklace 'jolie fleur' on top of this blogpost)

Beautiful vintage buttons in horn,mother of pearl, lucite, african glass beads, some gorgeous olive velvet ribbon and lipstick red trim, a bunch of vintage sacks with an original turquoise pattern...
(read more about vintage buttons on this very informative blog)

and a new black room-mate (I already had a white one), isn't she cute (and a pretty figure :-))

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Fresh as spring!

Our stay in Copenhagen was wonderful, so great to have hubby all for myself !
But I will blog later about it.
First I want you to show a new creation, fresh as spring!

An adjustable necklace (you can wear it as a choker or as a halflong necklace), A mix of felted pebbles, Ethiopean silver, Morrocon silver and a beautiful cracelé resin bead.

The beautiful picture of the moss terrarium is from Madebymavis.

The beautiful spring skirt is a creation from 3lilmuses

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

FP!!!!!! and black beauty...euh Bunny!

Late night , or was it early morning......, One thing is sure I was asleep! and my nesting broochI found a nice place on FP, in Vadjutkas' treasury, thanks Judit!

An finally, (I knew I am on the black list now,) today I posted my secret bunny present, it's off to.................. you bet I don't tell you!

Monday, March 23, 2009

shell of my childhood....

The new Challenge theme of the European street Team challenge is this time 'back to your childhood' hosted by febystandesigns.

Graving in my memories I found this old box with my old shell collection. When I was a child we often went to the seaside on holiday , with mum, dad, my brother and sister (not the Belgian coast but the French one) I did not like to swim, did not like the salty taste in my mouth, and while my brother and sister were building sand castles I roamed on the beach looking for little treasuries, I enjoyed collecting shells, and it never stopped, even now if I am on a beach I am always looking for those beautiful treasures of nature!

I took one of this beautiful shells with a gorgeous colorpallette (deep orange and shades of lilac purple, a beauty!) and tried to match with semi-precious stonesn dangling on a handfelted choker.

Friday, March 20, 2009

t'is lente! spring is in the air!

Look at me: have you seen my new flower top?
(and my yummy ice-lolly?)

This beautiful flower top was in the package I got yesterday, isn' it lovely?
And so is all the beautiful stuff in Cocon's shop!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

My creative workspace

lots, lots, lots of work today (and the past few days)

A desk full of packages to send all over the world!

A desk full of jewelry boxes for the OPEN DOOR weekend (this weekend at a friend of mines) for information see the blogpost here.

and jipeee, there was a package in my postbox, no it's not yet the secret bunny, but it reallymade my day and will make the day of some else too I think!
(look at the cute cute drawing on the envelop :-)
I'll show it in my blogpost tomorrow!
If you want to see other creative workspaces today, just hop over to Kotooyoo's blog!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

flowering brooches

The sweet paperfection letted me know that my brooch was on FP while I was sleeping!

I thought it was time to show my new brooches I have in my shop.

(click on the pics to go to the shop)

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

rusty nights

My newest creation: "rusty nights"
Again a natural mix: rusty and purple coral stone, rusty orange silkbeads (fair trade silk), a purple stone bead, copper and buri nut beads.
it is available in my shop now (to go to the shop just click on the pics)

Did you notice the big purple stone bead, I purchased it from a spanish friend, she has a shop with beautiful jewelry and a beadshop. I am very glad with those beads that fit my creations perfect!
And did you notice the beautiful flowering journal in the pics. It's from another EST friend Kreativlink, go browse her shop and find the most original journals!

Monday, March 16, 2009

pebbles & stones, wood & ocean

New textile necklaces in my shop, I know it's early but they give me a summery feeling :-) designs with a mish mash of precious stones, seed, resin, felted pebbles and Ethiopean silver. to find them in my shop click on the pics!

Walk in the woods

Pods & stones

Wood & Ocean


Ben je uit de buurt van Gent-Wetteren,

dan kan je mijn creaties live gaan bewonderen en passen op een lenteverkoop in Laarne.

(Bij Inge Libbrecht)

Naast mijn creaties (halssnoeren, oorhangers, ringen en broches) is er ook een hele mooie klerencollectie , maar ook tassen en sjaals, en decoratie artiekelen je kan vrijblijvend eens binnenspringen en snuisteren.

vrijdag 20 maart van 16 tot 20 uur
zaterdag 21 maart van 10 tot 18 uur
zondag 22 maart van 10 tot 13 uur


EEKRONKERSTRAAT 2 - 9270 LAARNE Voor GPS: breng Hoekstraat 41 in, de Eekronkerstraat ligt naast dit huis. Autosnelweg E17 richting Antwerpen (of vanuit Antwerpen, richting Gent) Afrit 11: Beervelde – Lochristi en richting Wetteren nemenNa 2 km, T aan Esso station - linksaf Na 200 m, 2de straat rechts (bord ‘Telesound’)Na 800 m, kruispunt met kapel en café, rechtdoorNa 300 meter, smal asfaltwegje rechts inslaan (na 2de bordje ‘opgelet kruispunt 50m) Tweede huis links. Je bent er!Vanaf de E40 Brussel – GentAfrit Wetteren nemen en naar centrum Wetteren rijden.Dan de bordjes Laarne volgen tot je over de Schelde rijdt en aan het rond punt rechtdoor.Bij de eerste splitsing, blijf je rechts en rij je nu richting Kalken (terwijl Laarne links is)Ongeveer een kleine km verder zie je links een carwash, je neemt het straatje er vlak voor links.Je volgt deze weg, bij de splitsing blijf je links en dan het 1ste straatje rechts. Het is het eerste huis op de hoek !

Sunday, March 15, 2009

a step further

A new milestone!
Mies (with Down) drawed a little 'man' for the very first time!
She was super proud of it! (and mummy too)
you just can't imagine what this little step means to us!
These things are not obvious for a child with mental retardation and a weak muscle tension (specific for Down), that's why this is such a great progress for her!

Wat is kunst? wat is kunst?
Die blik in jouw ogen, dat is kunst!
Een memorabele dag gisteren!
Mies tekende helemaal zelf een 'mannetje'! zonder hulp, zonder aanwijzingen,
blijkbaar heeft ze het kopvoeter stadium overgeslagen!
en Ze was apetrots!
Je kan je niet voorstellen hoe gelukkig wij zijn met dit stapje vooruit!
Voor een kind met mentale vertraging zijn zo'n zaken niet evident, ook de slappe spierspanning (eigen aan Downsyndroom) maakt het er niet makkelijker op.


Saturday, March 14, 2009

My creative mess...

I think is time to reveal my mess. In the previous posts I gave the wrong impression that my workplace is so tidy. But you havent't seen my workroom yet! (only the desk).
You'll soon understand why I need a curtain in my workplace :-)

I think is time to reveal my mess. In the previous posts I gave the wrong impression that my workplace is so tidy. But you havent't seen my workroom yet! (only the desk).

You'll soon understand why I need a curtain in my workplace :-)

Friday, March 13, 2009

my creative workspace

Lots to do today.
taking pics
A friend of mine has an open house next weekend, where she will sell my jewelry,
so I have to create some new pieces and already price them. I take pics of every piece and store them in my flickr account.

As you see I use my trolley as a work bench today. It's fun to travel around in the house and find the must sunny place, quite ecologic too, don't you think?
Find some other creative workspaces on Kotooyoo's blog.