I feel I have
to spoil myself
this time with a workshop!
(polymer techniques with teacher Lotte Demey)
I needed a little bit
creative space
for me (as september was totally filled with family and school stuff)
I was inspired me to make these 'stone' alike cabochons:

of course
a new collection is born:
Les Fleurs fossiles:)
these handformed stones are imprinted with dandelions and other flowers and leaves.
tell me
what would you like the most: brooches, rings or earstuds?

in the picture
you get a glipse of my new haircut (another thingie I spoiled me with!) :-)
Ik had al een avant-premiere op Marché Bricolé en ik vind ze supergeslaagd !
great technique :-))
They are absolutely beautiful! I love the colors you chose and the texture of the flower prints.
I believe they would turn out well anyway: broochs, rings AND earstuds :)
They're gorgeous! More more more, in all forms and colors :-)
Beautiful! I would love a ring with one of these stones...
Wow super weer, wat een leuk idee! Jammer dat ik daar zelf niet op gekomen ben ;-) Ik vind ringen/armbanden het leukste. voor oorbellen vind ik ze iets te groot en broches draag ik zelf nooit.
Wauw, supermooi! Ik ga zeker ook eens een workshop volgen met polymerclay, wist niet dat je daar zo'n mooie dingen mee kon maken.
Really lovely results! They make a great new collection for your shop!
Fleur the little ferns are wonderful!!!!!!
they are so lovely !! those earrings ....yummy
Crafty workshops are great for the soul ! Love what you came up with - beautiful :)
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