The new Challenge theme of the European street Team challenge is this time 'back to your childhood' hosted by febystandesigns.
Graving in my memories I found this old box with my old shell collection. When I was a child we often went to the seaside on holiday , with mum, dad, my brother and sister (not the Belgian coast but the French one) I did not like to swim, did not like the salty taste in my mouth, and while my brother and sister were building sand castles I roamed on the beach looking for little treasuries, I enjoyed collecting shells, and it never stopped, even now if I am on a beach I am always looking for those beautiful treasures of nature!
I took one of this beautiful shells with a gorgeous colorpallette (deep orange and shades of lilac purple, a beauty!) and tried to match with semi-precious stonesn dangling on a handfelted choker.