1. 44detail, 2. heels ober head, 3. Glass pendant, 4. yellow aqua details
Ok, I found my energy back, (maybe it has to do with the beautiful weather this morning and after a refreshing bikeride to school with my kids) I can only hope it lasts... :-)
Quite a happy Mosaic, maybe I was still in the happy mood of last sunday, the pictures show how much fun we had with the kids at the playground. And I can tell you I am so happy to see how my eldest kids are helping my little one who is a bit disabled. That is the spirit!
The last days there is a lot of commotion in Belgium concerning the following theme:
'do kids with Down Syndrome have the right to attend a regular public school'
I say YES! Kids with Downsyndrome live in a 'normal' family too, so why can't they go to 'normal' schools then. Lots of opinions are based on prejudices!
I think government should give more facilities to teachers with a kid with Down in their class. !
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