I love shopping handmade, and during the Christmas sale rush, I spoiled myself a bit with some pretty things that were already some time on my wishlist.

I love the work of Amsterdam based Designer
Leililaloo,I simply adore the way she combines her illustration talent and her knitting skills. Her world of Polkadots, flowers, teapots, colors, houses, stools,... brings me in a happy moody! (find
her blog here.)

Look what I bought!
In fact this is a necklace, I love the illustration, the long legs and the red pumps! I use it now to decorate, but I know one day I'll wear it on a lovely sexy dress , watch me!

And sweet Dana added again a nice surprise: A handprinted, fabric brooch: I am very happy with it, although my face does not show that on te picture :-))

if you want to know what I got from Dana somet ime ago, read