I have a crush on vintage brooches, I haven't shown you these the ones below.
I bought them on a thrift market in Maastricht.

The flower brooch is very pretty: a handcarved cornflower, poppy and daisy, a little cornfield.
Fits perfectly on lmy blue shirt!

Yesterday the two eldest daughters attended a dance workshop and I spend the time waiting, on the thrifted market near the dance Studio. I found some little treasures : lovely things to craft with when I find some time :-)

I love old stamps, especially the ones with flowers and birds, I used to collect them when I was a child, now I just buy them just to have them. Maybe use them with my teapot collages, don't know yet....

A silk shawl, in orange, perfect color for autumn! will soon be repurposed for some new silk beads!

A pile of cute vintage buttons, I found exactly the ones I use for my cat Brooches, the red ones with white stripes, I bought the whole stock!