Yesterday evening I made my first nuno felted scarf!
I think I did well for my first attempt! I was very happy the scarf was dry this morning so I could put it on biking the kids to school. Hubby said he liked the 'tree' colors (boomkleuren.
I followed nuno felting workshop at Karwij, in my neighbourhood, unfortunaltely I forgot to take my camera, so you can only see the result. (meer workshops van Karwij vindt je hier.) De lesgeefster was Linda Dhont van Elledee.
I found some cool accessories to go with my scarf:
La Feuille Noire by Fleurfatale
moss & purple nuno felted scarf by fleurfatale
Eva- framed tweed evening bag (on Sale) by CuriosityKilled
River Flow Ring by Glasfaden