The new theme for this weeks EST-challenge (hosted by Karuski) is 'my flowers'.
I just could not skip this one. :-)
As you all know today is 'earth day' so I had to repurpose, restyle or recycle something into something new!
I hurried to the flee market shop and found a beautiful light blue suede skirt , also a pair of matte gold trousers(!) and an old table cloth, don't know wich material, but a beautiful texture! I also brought two old leather bags.
I want to repurpose it all to new textile jewlery designs! You'll see!
and this is the first : La fleur bleue a silver plated bracelet with a handmade suede flower. Perfect for this weeks challenge! (and good for the earth) and available in my shop.
You can find the other entries for this challenge on Karuskis blog.