My Sales fairy arrived in Hungary, I love her place at the window, I guess she has a great view on Budapest from there! (Wish I was there!)
Good Luck with her Krisztina!!!! (check out Krisztina's blog here. And especially this blogpost about recycling bubble mailers, cool idea for a better world)
The sales fairy I catched, arrived here too, have to look for a cosy place for her, she came all the way from Finland and was designed by a textile designer who's work I adore: Karuski!
She was so beautiful packed! Minna recycles her bubble mailers too and I must say : very well done! Yay for recycling and repurposing!
Also her packaging is so very her and my taste: vintage flower wallpaper stichted to a cute sack. Check out her work and packaging here.
Minna included a little goodie: some sweet vintage wooden beads! thank you sooomuch Minna!
doesn't she hangs nice here! I think she likes it here a lot, for a moment I thought she was whistling :-))
read more about the EST sales fairies here: