One of my new years resolutions is to make more vegetable pies.
I used to make lots of pies years ago, but getting kids also changed my cooking!
Now I am determined to serve them once a week a pie with vegetables, (sometimes also meat or fish added) I do hope they learn to like the pies!
here is my first attempt:
it's an easy-peasy recipe!
- ready to bake pastry
- 5 eggs
- 20 ml low fat cream- 1 spoon sausbinder (riceflour thickener)
- 2 tomatoes
- 1 courgette
- 500 gr brocoli
- gratedcheese (parmesan or gruyère)
- pepper salt, thyme
Prebake the pastry in a baking mould (150 degrees till it's light brown)
Mix the eggs, the low fat cream, the grated Cheese, the riceflour thickener, pepper and salt and thyme.
put the sliced courgette on the pastry
(the courgette avoids the pastry of becoming moisty)
put the broccoli on the courgette (in little parts)
put the sliced tomatoes on the broccoli
pour the egg mixture on the vegetables
Put in the oven for about 30 minutes (180 degrees)
Serve with yoghurt sauce and luttece (made with the Tzatziki herb mix from
Oil and Vinegar)