Saturday, June 6, 2009

Gift idea for teachers

A sweet gift idea for your teacher or the teacher of your kids: a flower brooch! My brooches flower up your jacket, dress, bag, tote or even lampshade :-)

Special promotion till 25 of June: all brooches 13 Dollar/ 9 euro
(Flat worldwide shipping rate of 3 Dollar / 1,5 Euro)
The brooches come to you, ready for gift, beautiful packed with a little note card.
Find some brooches here in my shop.
Not all the brooches are in my shop, just send me an e- mail : and tell me which one (s) you want from the collection I show below:
(Belgische en nederlandse klanten kunnen ook per overshrijving betalen)

green - turquoise

lilac- honey

fuchsia - purple

turquoise - lilac

cream- yellow