Quilt Art:
18 professionele textielkunstenaars, afkomstig uit diverse landen (o.a. Hongarije, Engeland, Ierland, België, Nederland, Duitsland, Denemarken en de VS) presenteren hun werk. Deze groep is in het midden van de jaren tachtig opgericht en neemt vandaag een vooraanstaande plaats in op de hedendaagse textielscène.
Ik toon op mijn blogje enkele foto's van de werken die me het meest aanspraken, maar ik ben er zeker van, dat, als ik terugga,(en dat doe ik zeker nog eens) andere werken me zullen opvallen!
Of je aangetrokken wordt door felle kleuren of zachte aardtinten hangt veel af van je gevoel op dat moment, zo kan je de ene keer juist meer door de kleur aangesproken worden en de andere keer heb je meer oog voor vormen en textuur. De boodschap is dus: neem een abonnement op een tentoonstelling!
While everyone was watching soccer on friday-eve
a lovely blogfriend took me to a gorgeous exposition in the MIAT museum in Ghent:
QUILT ART is a group of 20 professional quilt artists from Britain, Ireland, Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Hungary, the Netherlands and America.
The group holds regular touring exhibitions in Britain and Europe and has also exhibited in Japan, Canada and the United States.
I show here the quilt artworks I loved the most, but I am sure if I go back I will choose other ones, sometimes it depends on your mood of the moment if you're attracted to lively, vibrant colors or pale earthy shades, sometimes you're attracted to form and texture and other times the colors catch your eye!
Jette clover, red and blue color field
Her work is constructed like collage, and it is as much about touch as about vision.
She combines cotton, linen, silk, cheesecloth and paper, and applies a variety of surface design techniques including dyeing, painting, discharge, printing, screening, rusting and stitching.
Inge Huber
singing in the sun
squares and stripes
Ann Fahy
Clonrush (detail)
QUILT ART is a group of 20 professional quilt artists from Britain, Ireland, Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Hungary, the Netherlands and America.
The group holds regular touring exhibitions in Britain and Europe and has also exhibited in Japan, Canada and the United States.
I show here the quilt artworks I loved the most, but I am sure if I go back I will choose other ones, sometimes it depends on your mood of the moment if you're attracted to lively, vibrant colors or pale earthy shades, sometimes you're attracted to form and texture and other times the colors catch your eye!
Jette clover, red and blue color field
Her work is constructed like collage, and it is as much about touch as about vision.
She combines cotton, linen, silk, cheesecloth and paper, and applies a variety of surface design techniques including dyeing, painting, discharge, printing, screening, rusting and stitching.
Inge Huber
singing in the sun
squares and stripes
Ann Fahy
Clonrush (detail)
Oooohhhh! I wish my bf took me to see great collections too! I'll have to show him this post, eh eh.
Great quilts! I love quilts. I'd love to make them, but sewing is not my talent. I love the colors too!
I have to see that exhibition too - so off to Gent ... !
That looks like a great exhibit!
I love the bright and happy colors! What a lovely exhibition that must be. Until when does it run? Love to see it!
Lovely exhibition!
I am also off to Gent - see you there in 3 days :-)
Hoi iedereen,
Ik heb fleurfatale.blogspot.com gevonden via Google.
Deze site ziet er goed en leuk uit!
Ik wil graag ook zo een mooie site maken. Welke applicatie heb je hier precies voor gebruikt? Mijn blogje ziet er nog kaal uit. :(
Tot snel vanuit A'dam
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