It's been a year now, since I started to sell (and buy) on Etsy.
Through my Etsy shop I had the chance to discover new creative ways, and the fact that people buy my creations (and give me wonderful feedback) stimulates even more to go on with it.
Through my Etsy shop and blog some 'real life' shops discovered my creations and now I am selling my jewelry In Ghent (Nathalie Engels), in Portland, Oregon (Dazzle) (and soon in New York!!!!!).
Through Etsy I got to learn sweet friends from all over Europe and all over the world!I enjoy chatting with them, sharing our happy and sad feelings (but most of all our creative passion!!)
I am so thankfull to all the people who supported me by purchasing at my shop.
I am so thankfull to all the people who supported me by purchasing at my shop.
It is so fun to see that the people who wear my jewelry are so different: of all ages and all kind of types!!
To celebrate all this I decided to give-away a gift certificate of 35 Dollar(to spend in my shop)
All you have to do is leave a comment in my blog and don't forget to mention your e-mail adress.
All those woman who were so nice to send me a picture of them wearing my creations, get two entries extra for this give-away + a certificate of 15% off their next purchase. (you can still send me a picture to get one more entry for this give -away, and I'll add it to this list!)
The winner will be announced next sunday!
happy etsyversary ! I love those pictures !! They all look so happy !
Congratulations Greet on your one year. You are sure to have many more years of success. You creations are very inspiring. Thanks for sharing your talent with the world!! Yvonne
Great photos, Greet! And congratulations on the anniversary!
Congrats to your Etsyversary!!!!
Love to see all that lovely people with your work. How happy they all are! :)
Congrats etsyversary! Such beautiful ladies and soo nice picks with your creations.
Congrats Fleur! :) So good to see all your beautiful creations with their new owners :)
Greet Happy Etsyversary!
It's so sweet to see people wearing your creations.People in different ages and cultures.
Happy Etsyversary Greet!
I'm happy to be one of your 'straffe madammen!
Happy etsyversary! Great to see all your things worn by happy people!
Happy Etsyversary Greet! Your work is beautiful and your blog is inspiring, thanks for sharing!
Congrats to anniversary, Great to see all people who carrying your jewelrys. They are beautiful indead
Im a proud jewelryowner my self.
Congrats with Etsyversary! Your creations are very beautiful and people wearing it look happy!
Congratulations! Love the shots of all the happy people wearing your very unique work. Wishing you many more years of success!
Hey Greet!
Gefeliciteerd met je eerste Etsy-verjaardag! Je creaties zijn echt fantastisch, en ik ben ondertussen ook zo'n beetje verslaafd aan je mooie blog ;-)!
Joepie! Heel erg gefeliciteerd!
You're a big succes on Etsy, congrats with that too!
I love your choice of colours and the way you take pictures!
Groeten uit Rotterdam
congratulation Greet!!!
I love your shop, you know!
Best whises for this next year!
Yohoooo, THANKS so much for the 15% - I already have numerous faves in your shop :-)
Congrats for the NY selling opportunity, it is really something!!
Happy Etsyversary!!
Fantastic pictures!
Hi Greet!
Het ziet er geweldig uit allemaal.
It's great to see some of your clients wearing your creations.
Happy Etsyversary, wishing you many more years and many more satisfied customers :D
I love this post, your blog, your jewelry, and one day I'm going to buy a necklace from you! I'm so happy to read success stories, and you are one of the best!
What a generous giveaway! Our mutual friend Judit has introduced me to your work; BEAUTIFUL! Here's to many more years of success on Etsy.
congrats on your etsyversary!!
great pics of your creations all over the world!
happy etsyversary - you make beautiful things and i love reading this blog, so keep on doing that :) !!
Congratulations Greet! I have been a big fan of your work for some time. This is the first time I have ever left a comment on a blog so that proves how much I like your creations!
P.S I left my comment before I read about he giveaway!
Congratulations! You've done a lot in 1 year. Happy Anniversary (and lucky you for getting so many photos. That's so lovely)
A warm congratulations to you on your anniversary on Etsy! Your work is so beautiful and it would be very wonderful to win your give away!
Congratulations on your anniversary! That's a great milestone!
Erika (erika.haire@verizon.net)
How awesome to see your customers wearing your art! I would love to see mine but always feel shy to ask :)
Ohhh, I want in on this... I just love your shop so much!
Happy Etsyversary Greet! I know that you will have continued success with your shop.
Happy etsyversary!
I love all those customers photo!
Mine is coming soon too, the 29 of April :)
I have an eye of a few things in your shop, so this 35 coupon would be just wonderful :)
Happy Etsyversary! I have told you before, but I'll say it again: super MEGA congrats on all your sales this year!
Happy Etsyversary!
Happy Etsyversy!! I love your shop and wish continued success in the year ahead!
Congratulations for your anniversary. I love all your creations, specially your new line with linen flowers and the cat brooch! Anne
I love the name of your Etsy shop! And your jewellery flowers are so puuuurtty : )
Happy etsyversary dear Fleur!!!
Your work is beautiful and I wish you a lot more success in the future!!
I am your fan!
Congratulations on your anniversary! I wish you continued success and many more happy customers!
I love your stuff! It is very inspiring.
So lovely blog and happpy music!
Great job!
Congrats on your Etsyversary, Greet!
What a fun way to celebrate by showing off all your gorgeous creations on real people! :)
Oh my goodness, Greet, I NEED that cup!! And I've been LONGING for a piece of yours to call my very own!! Happy Etsyversary!! It wouldn't be the same at Etsy without you :)
I just had a look through you shop - I love it all! Congratulations on your success!
x nadine
little lovelies
Many congratulation on your successful Etsy one year anniversary. Your work is full of passion and joyful :)
Gefeliciteerd met je Etsy-verjaardag!! Prachtige creaties!!
Proficiat! Ik heb op dit eigenste moment een van je oorringen aan en ik vind ze nog steeds even super en krijg er ook nog steeds complimentjes over. Dus eigenlijk zijn dat dan complimentjes voor jou: bij deze geef ik ze door :) Je hebt ze verdiend!
Lotje x
Congrats on the EtsyAnniversary. I'm so glad you got the photo. I love my earrings and my brooch. Happy to help. My email is linked.
Ik heb je blog nog maaar net ontdekt. je maakt echt supermooie juwelen! Een echte inspiratie! Proficiat met je etsyverjaardag!
Congratulions on this beautyfull and inspiring site.
Almost everyday I come peeping to see what is new.
It is just a lovely site with lovely pictures (but that is because of the beautyfull creations ;-)
Greet ,
Ik kan het niet laten om geregeld te komen kijken . Ik heb jou blog ontdekt via Veerle die ik op haar beurt via Atelier Plano gevonden heb en bij jullie blijf ik hangen. Klein verhaaltje : vorige week heb ik met een vriendin mijn internetsurfen in “real life “ omgezet : een dagje shoppen in Gent. Gestart bij Sjamma ( zijden snoertjes) , door naar Zahia ( héél veel (te veel?) mooie stenen ) , nog naar de Gouden Pluim (vilt en materiaal voor boekjes) en uiteindelijk geëindigd bij Nathalie Engels (jouw juwelen) ! Ik heb daar nog niet kunnen beslissen. Maar vroeg of laat loop ik met oorringen van je rond !
Hi Greet! I am one of your happy customers, and love seeing the shiny happy people featured on this page (including myself in my Fleurfatale necklace). Happy Etsyversary! :)
hey Greet,
inderdaad een leuke blog...
nast het feit dat je ik mezelf af en toe verwen volgens mijn budget het toelaat, vind ik het zalig om te kijken , genieten en me te laten inspireren, want jouw blog stimuleert mij ook zelf weer van alles te ondernemen en te experimenteren ...
en ja ik kom naar je thuis dagen en geef je een seintje als ik naar de vernisage kan komen...
tot dan
Oooh! Am I here in time?!!
Many congratulations on your Etsyversary...such a milestone!! So lovely to see all of those happy customers...and to hear of your jewellery selling worldwide - wonderful, well done you xx Everything is beautiful, so you will have many more successful years ahead xx
Est-il encore temps???
I love your little textile creations, and we both have a lot in common, believe me!!!
A bientôt!!
Take care and keep on creatin'
Happy etsyversary! Inspiring collection of photos!
Glad your kids loved the frog. He is a little top heavy with the golf-ball eyes! Ha. I just stopped back to enter the giveaway. I could have sworn I already did . . . Good luck to me. hehehe
happy etsyversary
i just discovered your shop from your treasury!!
i hearted you!! love your work
Congrats on your 1st anniversary on Etsy! It's especially special when your customers share with you a glimpse of their life while wearing your jewelry. There's no better encouragement then that! Cheers, Nicole
Love je blog en je werk en je muziek!
Proficiat en ga zo door!
Congrats Fleur! You said it soooo nice on your Post! Etsy is a great expiriance!!!!
Wish you even more success!!!
Joyeux Anniversaire ! Happy Birthday dear "Fatal Flowers", I discover your world via Etsy tonight and I'm in love. I love what you do, I love the colors and materials you use. And I really want to buy lots of nice things !!!
But I would also like to make an article about your art, I would like to speak about you on my blog, if you're agree. In advance thank you.
Nadji de papiercrayon
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