Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Say Hello!

Say Hello to my new Cat brooches!
soon in my shop!


mamutopia said...

Hello to all the cute kitties!

vadjutka said...

hello sweethearts!

Maud Bailey said...

so nice!!

harmony and rosie said...

They're very cute!

aija a.k.a. goOodmorning said...

love your bright colors!!

Pesky Cat Designs said...

Meow meow meow....hello! They are fantastic!

Kim van Waardenburg said...

super Greet!!

matilda said...

Heloo rainbow kittens!!!

Hipaholic said...

sweet :)

Anne said...

My Eleonor Cat says "hello" to her designer... and "welcome" to all those kittens !

Greet said...

thanks girls!
Matisse already left the house for a new home in Texas :-)
I am so glad lots of sweet people want to take care of my kittens :-))))