Voor wie het nog niet wist:
heeft ook
je bepaalt het bedrag dat je wil schenken zelf,
en wie de cadeaubon krijgt
kan bij mij thuis komen kiezen of in mijn webshop!
Je kan de cadeaubon bestellen via e-mail (betaling per overschrijving)
en hij wordt feestelijk verpakt opgestuurd naar de gelukkige.
Je komt de cadeaubon gewoon halen ten huize Fleurfatale (9270 Laarne)
(fleurfatale (ad) live(dot) be)
The Fleurfatale Gift Certificate is back in my shop!
♥ How does the Gift certificate work?
After you have purchased and paid the certificate,
a gift certificate with special certificate code will be emailed to you.
You can print it or send it by e-mail to the one you want to surprise!
♥ How to use the gift certificate?
1) The recipient should add their chosen item(s) from my shop to their shopping cart.
2) The recipient should choose "other" payment option at checkout.
3) The recipient must include the special certificate code in the "Message to the seller" box.
4) If the value of the recipients purchase is over the gift certificate value (including shipping costs) I will send an invoice to the recipients e-mail address for the additional amount.
5) If the value of the recipients purchase is below the gift certificate value (including shipping costs) the balance will be maintained for a future purchase.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you would like to have another value, I will create a new one for you.
Wat een goed idee!
Great information! I was wondering how to make and use a gift certificate! Thanks for sharing!
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