Another new years resolution:
styling my interior.
It was about time. I've been fed up with oh so many other things. But this year I definetely want to give more attention to my house and interior. Not easy in a house where we live with 6 (of which 4 kids) and all the stuff that comes with each person, ...
I decided to do it the thrifted way: cheap and original!
This deer (which costed me 2 Euros) will get a place in my workroom,
I wanted to paint it completely white, but my husband protested, he was convinced it would ruin the expression on the poor deers face! What do you think?
White? or just leave it the way it is?
and for the fun some lovely blogs to follow:
full of whimsical thrifted, repurposed and handmade stuff !

Ahhh!!!! I LOVE the deer! What a steal! I like the color as is but it would probably look good if you spray paint it, too. What ever matches your home decor.
What a great find! I would be tempted to spray paint it to though! :)
I agree with your hubby: pls leave it with its own colors :-))
BTW: I havent seen those beauties in your shop that are hanging down from that deer. They are beautiful!
The white "polar" deer would look awsome! Greatings from Poland!
it's depend on the place you want hang him...but in white he would be great...and yes sometimes out lives ans tastes are in the simular way :-))
How about just painting the frame white and leave the deer the way it is for now. Might still want to spray it white as well after you try out the white frame.
Hmmmm, heel moeilijk! Na lang twijfelen denk ik toch dat ik ook voor wit zou gaan...
I would paint it white, it's more eccentric that way :)
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