Turquoise Lilac Bouquet by Fleurfatale
Elaina Leather bag by Ira Grant
Hard Shoes by Hearted Harlot
Mina Perhonen dutch
Mina Perhonen
Please, spring, do come soon!
'Lily Loves Spring' earrings in pure copper
'Julia Loves Spring' - earrings in pure copper
A Fortune cookie!
And colorfull candy for the kids
Thanks so much Artmind for this lovely surprise!
You can find these birdies in Artminds shop among lots of other gorgeous ceramics or make a beautiful terrarium for them.
It was so funny to find out that my four kids also have my fever of collecting shells and stones and thrifted things on the beach
(so what is nature, what is nurture??:-)))
The fresh air did so very good to the six of us! I really had the feeling that spring was in the air, although there was soms snow left over on the dunes and it was never warmer then 2 degrees.
The sun was there and that was al we needed :)
I paired these Japanese Garden earrings
They still have to be finished with sterling silver hooks.
and finally I dived in my big old wooden treasury box to find some nice balls of cotton , and I made beautiful color matches with it, for a custom order....
No, that was not all, there was some sun this afternoon so I could shoot some pics of new earrings! Soon in my shop!