First of all, I got many wishes by convo (trough Etsy), thanks a lot for that girls!!
My brother came all the way from China, picked up my mother and brought me a yummie strawberry pie. Can't show any pics because the kids were already eaten it while I was chatting with Apple 'the Chinese girlfriend of my brother who was in Bejing (My brother brought also a webcam).

A sweet crochet lady gave me a beautiful packed surprise box!
Full, (she knows me too well!) :-) (in the box were some original beads and a scrap pack with gorgeous Japanese paper! I already used the beautifull red vulcano coral beads in a new design! Thanks a lot Veerle! (find her blog here.)

It seems like hubby wants me me to pick up my crochet needles again :-) (He gave me some gorgeous yarn and a crochet book)

She has beautiful creations and makes designs for more the 60 galleries, boutiques and shops.
I 'll show you soon what I chose from her shop!!