From my last color scan, I learned that there is turquoise with a yellow shine and turquoise with a blue shine. Well, to make it easier: there is warm and cold turquoise. I am for instance an autumn colortype , so what matches the most with my skincolor is the warm turquoise.
For jewelry making it is important to combine the cold turquoise with silver and the warm turquoise with copper.
The word turquoise was derived around the 16th century from the French language either from the word for Turkish (Turquois) or dark-blue stone (pierre turquin).[4] This may have arisen from a misconception: turquoise does not occur in Turkey but was traded at Turkish bazaars to Venetian merchants who brought it to Europe.
The colour, however, has been employed extensively in the decorative tiles adorning Turkish places of worship and homes for hundreds of years, beginning with the Seljuks, or was derived from the colour of the Mediterranean Sea on the southern Turkish coast and the association quite possibly has caused the name to take root.
Find more about the turquoise stone and color here.

so far this turquoise thingies :-)
I just wanted to show a beautiful shawl I bought from a very sweet Russian Artist: Janebofelt
The package took only 5 days to arrive here in Belgium, and it was the first time the postman delivered something from Russia, Moscow. (well, that was what he said) :-)
I's a beautiful nuno felted scarf with some crochet doily details handmade by the very talented JaneBo. Don't hesitate to buy in her beautiful shop, the payment transaction goes very fluently and shipping is very fast! Check also her beautiful blog.