Each year there is a very big flea market with more then 1000 visitors.
This year I decided to do a try out with a little booth on this market, as I have lots of vintage inspired and repurposed jewelry, maybe there is a public out there for my creations, we'll see...
So I have been working on these:
unbelievable how many flowers I can cut out of an ugly bag! Remember that ugly bag?

and Rings...

some new pairs in my Japanese Garden paper collection
(find some of them here in my shop.)

lots of cute vintage fabric earstuds in my Picnic collection
Do you come over?
Op maandag 24 mei kan je Fleurfatale vinden in de Lepelstraat in Laarne,
Van 11 to 18 uur is er een grote rommelmarkt in de centrumstraten!
allen daarheen!
je kan me ook mailen (fleurfatale ad live dot be) als je interesse hebt in één van de bovenstaande zaken, want voorlopig staan die nog niet in mijn Etsy shop.