Again a snowy weekend here in Belgium.
I took the picture yesterday, but as I am writing this post, the snow is almost gone, melted away by te warmth of a beautiful sun this morning.
So what about my weekend wish/work list:
- Not to forget: laundry, laundry, laundry....
- Watching the movie 'Chocolat' with Maia, my eldest.
- doing some shopping with Veerle on sunday afternoon
The weekend was pretty busy, mister hubby in Barcelona and me driving kids from gym to music and dance lessons.
But I did find some time to work on a new order.
I made new 'Colliers de Papiers' with summer in my mind. Look how I repurposed these fashion pictures into pretty shiny color necklaces.
(take a peek at some more wish lists on Karuski's blog.)