We zijn terug,
ik kan maar niet beslissen wat eerst te doen,
ik moet dringend aan de slag, na mijn derde kopje koffie nu al...
1. hoogdringend online betalingen doen!
2. foto's nemen van een halssnoer dat ik op reis maakte.
3. heeeeel veeeel was en strijk
4. pakjes maken, veel pakjes met verkochte juweeltjes
5. een 'handleiding' schrijven voor de nieuwe juf van Mies
6. afspraken maken met REVA
7. dienstencheques bestellen...
8. shoppen en een lege koelkast terug vullen
9. kleren aantrekken ;-)
en mijn hoofd leegmaken dat vol met creatieve ideeën zit ....
We're back,
can't decide today what to do first...
it's my third cup of coffee, really need to get started...
1. payments need to be done urgent!!!
2. take pictures of a necklace I made on holiday
3. laundry, lots of laundry...
4. making packages,lots of packages of sold items...
5. writing a 'manuel' for Mies' teacher in her new school
6. planning meetings with teachers
7. ordering 'dienstencheques'
8. go to groceries and fill an empty refrigerator
8. go to groceries and fill an empty refrigerator
9. put on clothes :-)
and finally empty my head full of ideas...
Welcome back! Better having lots (some of them are fun) of things to do then to be bored....
Ooooh... I know how you feel! Lists are great things. Good luck decided what to do first.
welcome back. think we all know that feeling...
Oh well... just one after the other. Good luck, you can do it! :)
Ah yes that well known impasse...what to do first?
Welcome home. Coming home from a holiday can be tough with all the things to do waiting... Hope you are getting through it all!
Welcome back!
I have the same, whenever I have tons of things to do, I don't know where to start!! Good luck :)
It's lovely to have you back! You can only do one thing at a time - even though you are a woman - take your time, things will all fall in place! :)
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